Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Welcome to Theater King: The Movie Game


Here is how the game will work:

Each person involved in the game will be considered a Movie Theater Manager.  Each Manager owns a 4 screen theater, where one of the screens is a special IMAX screen (more details later).

Each week on a Tuesday (date may change if not all managers can make the meeting), we will have a draft to fill/replace movies in each theater.  Each weeks draft order will be decided by random using this random number generator. On a manager's turn, they may either pass or replace one movie with another available movie.  This movie can either be a new release, an old movie still in theaters (per boxofficemojo.com), or a movie dropped by another manager.  A manager must always have 4 movies showing in their theater and cannot have the same movie showing on the same screen.  Also, no theater may have the same movie as another theater at any given time.  Each theater has a special IMAX screen.  Whatever movie is designated to be shown on the IMAX screen (per the manager) will generate x1.25 the revenue.

The goal of the game is to generate the most amount of revenue (per boxofficemojo.com).  Only weekend revenues will count.

Each week, we will calculate how much profit each movie theater has made and you will bank that money.  A weekly email will be sent out in addition to the updating of this blog.

Alex and Kendall will co-operate the game.

The cost of entry is five dollars, which will go towards purchasing a Regal Cinemas gift card.  The game will begin on January 3, 2011 and continue through August 27, 2011.

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